Community Partners
Thrive to Survive's growth and success relies on support from local businesses and foundations. There are many ways for your business and its employees to make a difference for adults living with cancer, while making a lasting impression in our area:
Make a grant through a corporate foundation or charitable organization
Encourage employees to volunteer their time
Give a donation, such as items or services to support an event
Hold a fundraiser
Attend a TTS fundraiser by purchasing tickets, taking a test drive, or run a 5k
Support Thrive to Survive and enjoy the following benefits:
Company logo, and link to your website on Thrive to Survive website as a Community Partner
Social Media recognition
Thrive to Survive “Official Sponsor” sticker to show your support to the community
Tax deductible donations
Take Action
To inquire about becoming a partner, contact:
Pam Venuti, via email at
Jen Harris, via email at